Sign-ups are now open for the collaborative sketch-writing workshop led by Nikki Lynn Michaelson. Over the course of five weekends we will write sketches together to make an hour-long sketch-comedy show, and then we get to hear our work read out-loud, on stage before an audience. Read on to find out more about the workshop …
Calling all actors
Tagora is happy to announce that after his very successful weekend workshop two years ago, Niall Costigan has been able to escape the rigours of stage and screen, and join us once again. On this occasion he’ll be concentrating on two aspects of performance: voice work… …and the creation and development of tension within a …
Improvisation is back!
The improv workshop, led by Nikki Lynn Michaelson, is back again starting September, and we’re eager to see you there, whether you’re a new face or a familiar participant. Improv is theatre without a script, which could mean anything… What we do in the workshop varies, but we always start with warm-ups for team-building, focus, …
Improv is Back!
Improv workshops, led by Nikki Lynn Michaelson, are returning to Tagora. These workshops will be held every Tuesday in the rehearsal room at the Council of Europe, from 6pm to 8pm, in accordance with the school calendar. These two-hour sessions will be comprised of theater games and longform improvised scenes in pairs and in groups. …
Acting without a script
Sign-ups are now open for Tagora’s Spring Impro Workshop Series and Showcase We are offering four weeks of drop-in long-form impro workshops, taught by Nikki Lynn Michaelson, followed by an invited showcase. Did you ever do impro (or improv, it means the same thing) in an acting class and absolutely love how much fun it …