If you’ve ever been curious about long-form improvisation, this is your chance to try it out!
Tagora is hosting a one-night workshop led by Nikki Michaelson (alumnus of The Peoples Improv Theater and iO Chicago). You will learn how to co-create a scene in the moment with the support of your fellow players, and no written text. We’ll talk about listening, support, character generation and relationship, as well as establishing the who/what/and where of a scene.
- Date: Thursday 19 January 2023
- Time: 18:00–20:00
- Location: Tagora’s rehearsal room at the Council of Europe
- Cost: Free
Sign up: send an email to Nikki by the evening of Sunday 15 January so we can send a list to security (so please include your full name in the email). If you sign up please plan to attend, as space is limited.