Live theatre, in English, in Strasbourg

Harriet Curzon jumps off the stage

There are a lot of things I don’t like in a play

Our special correspondent reports from Antwerp It had been a long journey. Not just the 470-plus kilometres that separate Antwerp from Strasbourg – a distance traversed by the Tagora team over the last few days, whether by car, train or, for the more courageous, Flixbus – but also the evolutionary path that had started some …

Old typewriter

Announcing “The Poorly-Written Play Festival”

Rehearsals are getting under way for a short play, The Poorly-Written Play Festival, by Carolyn Gage. It will be Tagora’s entry in FEATS, the Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies, which takes place in Antwerp in May 2024. We hope also to perform it in or around Strasbourg. In the play, members of an amateur …

Whose Right? – Photos now available

See the Archive page for photos of both D’r Handler and Molly Sweeney. Under the patronage of the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the Council of Europe, Tagora presents “Whose Right?”, two plays dealing with the rights of the individual. The plays, both performed in English, will be presented alternately, at the Cube Noir Theatre, …